Also changed how restricted placement is shown, now you can see specific tiles that are blocking placement while dragging the items.The planner is now using direct output from SMAPI data-layers export which means the restriction info is much more accurate. Changed how restriction layers work in the planner.Added interior layouts of barns, coops and sheds of all sizes.Fixed "Save as picture" for bigger than default farm layouts.Added restriction information for both Immersive Farm 2 Remastered maps.Added the second Immersive Farm 2 Remastered without fences and path.Again, big thanks to SMAPI for making that possible Thanks to TheLimeyDragon #1993 at Stardew Valley Discord Thanks to kurumugicha #5071 at Stardew Valley Expanded Discord for effort to provide the bacgkround image. Added some v1.5 stuff: banana tree, mahogany tree, mango tree, stone walkway, rustic plank floor, mini obelisk, island obelisk, bone mill, auto petter, dark sign farm computer, stone chest, geode crusher, heavy tapper, hopper, mini shipping bin, solar panel.Upgraded libxmljs to work with higher versions of node by ChrisTague1 and ellarekow.Added optional tooltip feature by rsandISU and YME5800.You can find your save game file from %AppData%/StardewValley/Saves.You can open object counter window from the options menu.You can enable brush overwriting mode in options.To delete buildings, either drop it to non-buildable area, click on it with eraser or press either Del or fn+ Backspace or Esc.Drawing very large areas of crops / paths might result in some lag due to restriction checking, in that case just do them in little patches or disable restriction checking from options.You can use arrow keys ⭠ ⭢ ⭡ ⭣ or middle mouse button to scroll the map if it doesn't fit to your screen.Just toggle highlights in the highlight menu to fix for now) W to toggle highlights temporarily (If you hold W and hover mouse to dropdowns it might break.

S to easily select selector brush, press again to restore last brush.E to easily select eraser brush, press again to restore last brush.Hold ⌘ or Ctrl or Shift when placing buildings to "duplicate" it.